Charlotte Herzig
Santé menthol

16.05.2024 — 19.06.2024

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Wavy Ground Chatonnes, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 155 x 120 cm

Killjoystick, 2024, Wall painting, acrylic, gilding and pencil, Dimensions variable

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Gooey A.F., 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 35 x 50 cm 

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Stone/Star Moves, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 35 x 50 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Killjoystick, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 170 x 135 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Holy Dip, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 170 x 135 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Sweet Sensations, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 170 x 135 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Pissenlit, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 35 x 50 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Stellar Stims, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 170 x 135 cm

Santé menthol, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 170 x 135 cm

Exhibition view, Charlotte Herzig: Santé menthol, 16.05. – 19.06.2024. Wilde Geneva. Photo: Eric Bergoend

Special Day, 2024, Acrylic and aluminium on canvas, 155 x 120 cm

Pacman frog, 2024, Wall painting, acrylic, gilding and pencil, Dimensions variable

Tarik Hayward et Sophie Ballmer, Collapsible Chairs of Global Disaster and Shared Experiences, 2022, Folding chairs, various pieces of salvaged wood, Series of 40, dimensions variable

Tarik Hayward et Sophie Ballmer, Collapsible Chairs of Global Disaster and Shared Experiences, 2022, Folding chairs, various pieces of salvaged wood, Series of 40, dimensions variable

Tarik Hayward et Sophie Ballmer, Collapsible Chairs of Global Disaster and Shared Experiences, 2022, Folding chairs, various pieces of salvaged wood, Series of 40, dimensions variable