Group Show
Supper Club
04.07.2020 — 29.08.2020
Adel Abdessemed, Marina Abramović, Omar ba, Daniel Canogar, Mathieu Dafflon, Wim Delvoye, Arguiñe Escandón, mounir fatmi, Vidya Gastaldon, Yann Gross, Fabrice Gygi, Khaled Jarrar, Clare Kenny, Fabian Marti, Andrea Mastrovito, Marie Matusz, Cornelia Parker, Carmen Perrin, Dorian Sari, Simone Steinegger, Cassidy Toner

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänge

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Yann Gross, Avalanche 1, 2006, C-Print, 100 x 125 cm, Edition of 9

Vidya Gastaldon, Soin, 2020, Mixed technique on paper, 24 x 34 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Mathieu Dafflon, Voyage au bout de la nuit, 2019, Oil on canvas, 190 x 240 cm

Carmen Perrin, Masque peinture, 2020, Brick, 25 x 30 x 15 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Fabian Marti, Verbrannte Erde I, 2007, Fired clay, 150 x 58 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Andrea Mastrovito, History of Hostility, 2019, Marquetry and collage on wood, 305 x 535 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Adel Abdessemed, Politics of Studio, Lampedusa, 2020, Charcoal and pastel on four attached sheets of paper, 260 x 368 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Omar Ba, The Rider 1, 2018, Mixed media on cardboard boxes, 240 x 180 x 25 cm

Omar Ba, The Rider 1, detail 2018, Mixed media on cardboard boxes, 240 x 180 x 25 cm

Omar Ba, The Rider 1, detail 2018, Mixed media on cardboard boxes, 240 x 180 x 25 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Khaled Jarrar, Anemone stamps, 2015, Mixed technique Self-adhesive stamps, 29,7 x 21 cm, Edition of 50

Clare Kenny, Volkswagon Camper, 2014, Photo print on glass, 63 x 81 x 0,5 cm, Edition of 3

Marie Matusz, When man truly approaches the Other he is uprooted from History (from Daumier, Appalled by Her Legacy, 1871), 2020, Lithograph, 42.4 x 32.4 cm, Edition of 30

Adel Abdessemed, Lampedusa, 2014 ,Black chalk on paper, 60 x 80 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Fabrice Gygi, Sans titre, 2020, Watercolor on paper, 175 x 130 cm

Dorian Sari, These Kids, 2019, Radio equipped with iPod mini, 40 x 10 x 10 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Daniel Canogar, Loom, 2020, 75” 4K HDR screen, generative animation, computer, 168 x 95,5 x 6 cm, Edition of 7

Mounir Fatmi, The Blind Man, 2015, C-Print, 62 x 50 cm, Edition of 5

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Cassidy Toner, Wile E. Coyote will try anything to ‘heal’ himself at this point, 2019, Clay, various healing crystals, spray paint

Marina Abramović, Quartz Pillows, 1990, Sculpture , green quartz, 11 x 19 x 11 cm

Group Show: Supper Club, Exhibition view. Photo: Philipp Hänger

Yann Gross & Arguiñe Escandón, Allpahuayo Mishana, 2019, Phytotype, 75 x 55 cm

Cassidy Toner, Wile E. Coyote contemplates his existence, 2018, Clay, spray paint, mirror, existential crisis, 21,5 x 16 x 12 cm

Omar Ba, Sans titre, 2014, Gouache on carboard, 69,5 x 49,8 cm

Simone Steinegger, Malaparte, 2020, 25 x 40 x 12,7 cm