Kunst und Klima – Museen als Zukunftarchitekten
by Raphael Portmann, Deborah Keller
Kunstbulletin – Issue 5/2024

Dorian Sari & Klimastreik Schweiz, ‹What Are We Doing? Art in the face of climate change›, 2023/24, Stills aus Film, Farbe, Ton, 55’
Kunst und Klima – Museen als Zukunftarchitekten
by Raphael Portmann, Deborah Keller
Kunstbulletin – Issue 5/2024
Dorian Sari & Klimastreik Schweiz, ‹What Are We Doing? Art in the face of climate change›, 2023/24, Stills aus Film, Farbe, Ton, 55’
Film Screening
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition
Institutional Exhibition